Looking for Childcare on 3 May?
You can relax with your childcare for the 3rd May inset day sorted! Zara from Relax Kids will run a morning/day with the theme ‘happiness’ with activities to include arts...
Read moreYou can relax with your childcare for the 3rd May inset day sorted! Zara from Relax Kids will run a morning/day with the theme ‘happiness’ with activities to include arts...
Read moreOn Wednesday 2 May, join us for a tour of the paintings we have been studying in our Lent Groups. We will depart from Teddington Station on the 10:29 train,...
Read moreWhenever we have a Baptism Preparation evening, parents talk of the importance of Godparents in the lives of their children. Godparents promise to help children on their journey of faith...
Read moreIf you are a reader of the monthly Parish Newsletter which is delivered through your door, you may have noticed that something is different. Yes, it has colour pictures! Well don’t get too...
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