
Coming together in worship is a key part of life at our church. Our services welcome people of all ages and any background. All are welcome in church at the services below.

Our church is open daily to provide the opportunity for private prayer, 09:00-17:00.


08:00 - Short, quiet Eucharist service with the Book of Common Prayer. Short sermon, no hymns.

09:00 - 30-minute all-age Morning Worship with young families very much in mind. Followed by Coffee & Craft in the Parish Hall - craft for the children to enjoy, whilst the adults chat over coffee. Find out what to expect in this video.

10:00 - Parish Eucharist service with choir and Children's Church  for children of all ages each week. Our 10.00am service is livestreamed via our YouTube Channel, and is followed by coffees in the Parish Hall.


A Said Eucharist service is held at Fullerton Court, Udney Park Road, at 11.30am on the first Thursday of the month. For other less regular services, please see our events calendar for dates and times.

We hold special seasonal services during Advent & Christmas, Holy Week & Easter as well as Pentecost, All Souls, Remembrance, Christingle and other times. Please see our events calendar and subscribe to our newsletter for details of how to join us. We look forward to seeing you.

Mondays to Saturdays

Morning Prayer (Zoom – Password: 014549)

  • Mondays–Fridays, 08:30 (25 min)
  • Saturdays: 09:00 (25 min)

Evening Prayer (Zoom – Password: 014549)

  • Mondays–Thursdays, 18:00 (25 min)
  • Fridays & Saturdays, 17:00 (25 min)

Night Prayer (Zoom – Password: 014549)

  • Thursdays, 20:30 (15 min)

Said Eucharist

  • Wednesdays, 09:30, Common Worship

Church Mice

  • Wednesdays, 10:30, a 20 min service for babies to pre-schoolers, followed by play & refreshments. No booking required.

Send a prayer request

Prayer Request