Vicar’s Viewpoint February 2025
I hope that your year is unfolding as you had hoped, and that your resolutions are still intact. One of my resolutions as your parish priest was to assure myself that I and this parish are a blessing to you wherever you are, whoever you are.
Part of the life of the church happens on Sundays; part in specific and planned events during the week; but part also of often entirely unseen events because the church is tailored to moments in all of our lives that are – in some ways – unforeseen. Indeed, as I write this, I reflect on attendance numbers at Christmas, and all those fun things, but a
large proportion of those who graced our pews in 2024 came because of a significant one-off life event, and maybe you were one of them.
The Church of England is a national newsworthy organisation, but locally it is a sum of parts who, during the year are ministering to your families. Through baptisms, marriages and funerals, churches meet you where you are and walk with you in those days of joy or great sadness. We do it without fanfare and we do it – I hope – jolly well. Did you know that if you live in the parish – and you are likely to if you are reading this – you can marry in your church by right? We are ready to baptise you, or your children,
and you need only ask. If you have a sense of ’the Other’ and only want the Lord’s Prayer, we will conduct your loved-ones' funeral without further demand on your spiritual expression or church habit.
We are here for you the other six days of the week. We don’t keep a register, we don’t set a test in the hope that you pass before we will walk alongside you – we will just do it because you asked. For us to do that is our blessing to you – to remove hurdles, and to welcome you here if you have need of us.
Whatever this year brings, please know that we are ready to walk with you.
Fr David