Vicar’s Viewpoint June 2018
My first attempt at writing this article was a punchy, motivational piece all about the Gift Day for our extension Appeal that we were planning to have on June 17th. But we’ve taken a decision to postpone the Gift Day. So this article has had to be rewritten.
We’re convinced that we need to build an extension and, in all the consultations that we’ve done, this need has been affirmed. What has also become clear is that most people would like the exterior design softened to sit better with the church. So we feel that we can’t press on with an Appeal before refining the design and ensuring that we get the plans right.
This may feel like a setback. But I think there’s actually something very positive about consulting widely and taking time to consider the feedback, even if it means going back to the drawing board. We always knew that this was a complex project and that it would take numerous attempts to find the right solution. We’re most likely to find that solution if we keep listening and adjusting our plans accordingly.
So please bear with us. We’re grateful for all the support we’ve received so far. We’ll work hard to come up with some revised plans over the summer. Then we’ll aim for a Gift Day in the autumn, when I can try writing the punchy, motivational stuff again. That said, I suspect that as a church we are more faithful to our values when in listening mode rather than punchy mode.
Best wishes
Joe Moffat