Thank you for considering making a donation of foreign currency to Building Anew.

Please dig out all those old notes and coins left over from your overseas trips and holidays for this foreign currency appeal which will run throughout the summer months. You can drop any spare notes or coins within an envelope in the plate on Sundays if you are in church, or into the Parish Hall letter box at any time: St Mary's Parish Hall, Langham Rd, Teddington. TW11 9HF. Your donations can also be Gift Aided.

Scroll down for further details about the scheme, and some specifics around currencies exchanged (almost all you can think of), and how we will process any larger donations: 

To exchange the foreign currency, St Mary with St Alban is using an Agency called Leftover Currency Ltd who will count and exchange any currencies collected, add an additional 5% as a contribution to us as a Charity, and send payments in sterling to the Church's Building Anew Fund. 

A list of the currencies exchanged is here, and is very wide ranging, even including some pre-Euro currencies:  Please don't fill out anything directly on their website though, as we will do this for the whole Appeal. 

If you have any unusual currency, not on the list, please let us know and we will investigate if it may still help raise money for this Project:  Nadia or Chris 

For any larger donations of currency e.g. £500+ equivalent, please include a note with your donation of your details and a simple statement on the source of these funds (e.g. unused holiday spending money from 2023) – this is for anti-money laundering compliance.  

Please do consider Gift Aid for any donations to increase their value. If you are able to donate via Gift Aid, then please drop a note in with the currency stating “Yes” to Gift Aid and your name and address.   We can then claim the sterling equivalent of the Gift Aid once the conversion has been done. 

Building Anew can make good use of your spare foreign cash! Thank you.

Additional Footnote re: Gift Aid: we will look to include the £ value of converted Notes in the Gift Aid claim to HMRC (excl higher denominations/value).  Coins will be generally excluded from the GA totals.