The Church has a beautiful and peaceful graveyard that many enjoy as they walk through. It is a haven for wildlife, but also a surprisingly sociable and friendly place.

A number of people have already adopted graves, with the satisfaction of making an overgrown and messy area, look loved by clearing away weeds and planting flowers or even some herbs.

Sometimes there is a connection with the past of that family’s grave. Often people like to follow it up by learning more about who was buried there. Our parish historian, Sue Stevens, is very helpful in carrying out the necessary research.

There are still many graves awaiting adoption, please get involved whether as an individual or as a group, by spending a few hours every one-two months with some tidying, removing weeds/saplings, perhaps adding some plants and generally making the grave/s look cared for.

It is very rewarding to be part of restoring the churchyard.

Please contact Alexandra Ruffer on to take on a grave and help this community space.