Our Curate’s Ordination as a Priest
Our curate, Rev Caroline Halmshaw, is to be ordained as a priest on Saturday 22nd June by the Bishop of Kensington, along with her cohort of curates in West London.
The service will be at 3pm at All Saints Fulham (by Putney Bridge). This will be an exciting occasion for those of us who have known Caroline through the long process of discernment, selection, theological training and her first year of curacy. It’s been a joy to see her flourish in both her studies and her new ministry.
I hope that a good contingent of parishioners can attend this service as we were proudly the parish with the most supporters when our previous curate was ordained!
On the following day, Sunday 23rd June, Caroline will preside at Holy Communion for the first time at our 10am service. This is a special occasion both for her and the parish. We will celebrate with a lunch for all the congregation in the parish hall after the service. Please sign up for lunch at the back of church or by contacting the parish office.
We pray for Caroline as she enters this next phase of ministry, along with her husband Rick and son Alec.