Thank you for helping the most vulnerable children. Your kind and generous support of Chance for Childhood (was Street Child Africa) over the years has given countless children hope and opportunity. Across sub-Saharan Africa, your help has improved the lives of thousands of the most marginalised children.

Children like Innocent, a 14 year old girl from northern Uganda. When her parents tragically died she had to drop out of school and care for her two younger sisters. “We didn’t have a stable place to live”, she told us. “We were seen as a burden”. Luckily, a community leader contacted Chance for Childhood’s local partner.

The family were allocated a mentor, who gave them the equipment and skills they need to farm their land. Their mentor also helped them build a new home, and looks after their animals when they’re at school. Innocent and her sisters are already seeing the rewards. They planted five acres of
sunflowers and sold them for £170, using the money to pay school fees, buy food, clothes and a bull to plough the field!

Your generous support has changed the lives of Innocent and many others. Just last year, with the help of supporters like you, we helped 550 street children under 6 get off the streets and into one of our nurseries – giving them a safe and caring environment. That means children getting an education, instead of begging in dirty and dangerous environments.

600 street children in Kenya got off the streets and back into education, and you helped us take emergency action to educate almost 4,000 children and their communities on how to keep safe from Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Your support over 12 years has raised an incredible £10,574. Thank you so much! For more information visit