Thought for the Week – 5 March 2018
Mothering Sunday takes place on the fourth Sunday of this season of Lent. On first reflection, the timing may seem surprising, that during a period of austerity we choose to celebrate relationships which are often characterised by abundance and overflowing generosity. However as we reflect further, holding Mothering Sunday during this period
makes a lot of sense.
Mothering Sunday is a celebration for the love that has nurtured and sustained us throughout our lives. Mothering can give us a glimpse of the self-giving love of God and shows us that we are his agents in all our relationships, especially in those with children.
Lent is the season where we recognise our need for God, and are given a new opportunity to hand over to him all that prevents us from being who he has called us to be. It is a time of dawning hope, we know that after Good Friday comes Easter Day, and the knowledge that God’s love will never leave us, nothing we can do can separate us from his love.
While the mothering we give and receive from each other has a degree of unpredictability, Lent is a time where we learn again to draw on his never ending forgiveness and love. It is an opportunity to ask that our mothering would reflect more fully the self-giving and joyful love of God.
Call to Prayer
We pray for anyone who needs the care of a mother:
For any for whom this has been a hard day;
For any who are suffering as a result of broken relationships;
For anyone feeling lost, lonely, fragile, or afraid.
‘As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you’, says the Lord.
May it be so for us. Amen
We thank God for people who offer us the care of a mother:
For their nurture and care;
For their example and inspiration;
For their love and friendship.
‘As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you’, says the Lord.
May it be so for us. Amen
We pray to our loving God, guardian and nurturer of all relationships,
who has given us the right to be called children of God.
‘As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you’, says the Lord.
May it be so for us. Amen
Attend a Service and/or Help Prepare at St Mary with St Alban
Sunday 11th March
9am: Morning worship with Communion
10am: Family Parade Service
Both services will be followed by a Traidcraft stall and sale of The Real Easter Egg in the Parish Hall.
Saturday 10th March
Calling all 'Daffodil Dads' at 4-5pm to help prepare the posies for Mothering Sunday. If you can help please get in touch with David England on 07799 134008 or Also, if anyone can spare any foliage please bring it to the back of church on the Saturday.