Thank you for the wonderful response to this year’s Lent Appeal. We have raised £6,557 so far.

The Bishop for London has asked us to support persecuted Christians in Iraq and Syria. Please consider giving generously to this appeal which will go to two reputable charities:

  • Open Doors is providing emergency food supplies and hygiene kits to almost 10,000 families every month in Syria
  • In Iraq, Aid to the Church in Need is focusing on the urgent needs for housing, medecine and education which will enable the Church to maintain its Christian presence.

To give still, please:

  • Use our yellow gift aid envelopes and write ‘Lent Appeal’ on the top (cheques to be made payable to ‘St Mary with St Alban’)
  • Go online here

For more information, please:

see the separate green Lent Appeal leaflet from the diocese at the back of church